sabato 27 novembre 2010


The UN's Social Credit International financial system is a socio-economic environment in which the consumers, specially equipped with adequate purchasing power through costumer's loan guaranteed minimum policies, and democratic control through the provision  of debt securities standards (receipts bills and / or invoices, vouchers, investment charities' certificates); determine the production policy through their exercise of monetary expenditure (public expenditure plus private spending purchasing power). The aim is to establish in all the democratic states an extended vision of the monetary power like a dialectical due balance agreement between production and consumption factors in a global  peaceful contemporary complex society
For example like the  judiciary  issue with  the balance between the crimes and punishments. 
The Social Credit provides for a "democracy" of producers, designed to govern an Anthropocracy" of consumers. The term social creditl, such as formal name, was born from the writings of the British Clifford Hugh Douglas (1879-1952), who wrote a book in 1924. AccordingDouglas, the real purpose of production is consumption and production mustserve the real purpose, freely given to the interests of consumers.Every citizen is a beneficiary, not direct, of the Community capital conferred by the complete and dynamic access to the fruits industry 's provided by the state representative national distribution of dividends from banking industries  and fiscal compensation benefits paid (formerly politically in a nutshell this to Italy with the shareholders of the social securities in tne National Bank).
Given a fact that a democracy provides the only advanced safe place for power in many hands, the Social Credit is a philosophy distribution, with the aim of representing the political power ofself-determination of individuals not agaist the collective interests but with sharing pourposes. The social philosophy of credit is best summed up by Douglas when he says, "The systems were created by men for men and not for the systems, the interest of a man is above all systems, whether theological, political or economic."

We argue that in future wage labor will not be seen as today we  see it: a slavery factor of production!

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