martedì 30 novembre 2010
lunedì 29 novembre 2010
Social Network Modelling: a new paradigm for social user and custumer
When considering a Social a traditional CRM strategy, companies are experiencing both business and technology challenges.
Nowadays we have more business challenges that we are seeing:
• Being led by senior management teams that do not have the time to adapt to
the new ways that customer and user are communicating online.
• Putting technology ahead of strategy and thus not seeing the results they
want or expect becouse it's matter of the customers and the users.
• Uncertainty about how to transform their existing culture to one that
embraces openness, transparency and engagement. Businesses are
confronted with the fact that an effective change management process takes
a serius envolvment of the traditional social organizations like trade unions and political parties.
Without this they are wanting to see more immediate results agaist the reality.
• Struggling to develop and adapt existing legacy processes and frameworks
that keep up with the social customer and being for the user welfare.
• Trying to respond to as many interactions as they can without actually
solving or making decision-changes at the source and on the fly.
• Wrestling with developing effective advocacy programs for their loyal
customer's copyright and copyleft brands connected really with the unstable
creative common labels.
Social users and customers are more knowledgeable, empowered and
connected than ever before. Prior to making any kind of affiliation of purchasing
decisions, users and customers now turn to peers and non-traditional industry
influencers for answers through a very public social sustainable networking
platforms - more so than any other source for information gathering.
In order to succeed in this hyper-connected environment, companies will need to
adapt their business strategy, apply new technology, expand their marketing and
PR efforts, and alter and adapt their internal culture with free ethical codes
Formalizing an integrated CRM and Social URM strategy will allow a business
to locate, educate and engage their current and potential customers where they prefer to communicate. Empowering the Social Customer's leadership is a critical objective within any social business strategy.
Conti Valter
Internet Governance Forum
CSTD consultation on improvements to the Internet Governance Forum
Working group on IGF
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has asked the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) to carry out a consultation on improvements to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). To this end the CSTD was invited to establish a Working Group on IGF to "seek, compile and review from all Member States and all other stakeholders on improvements to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), in line with the mandate set out in the Tunis Agenda". (ECOSOC resolution 2010/2)
Timeline of working group meetings and consultations
The Hon. Sherry Ayittey, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology of Ghana, the current Chair of the CSTD, delegated the task of establishing the CSTD Working Group on IGF to Mr. Frederic Riehl, vice Chair of the CSTD.
Mr Riehl plans to organize two meetings (December 2010 and February 2011) before transmitting a report to the CSTD. In addition to these meetings, consultations will be held to allow all stakeholders to contribute to the process. As part of this consultation, the Vice-Chair of the CSTD published an online questionnaire on 9 November 2010 followed by an open face-to-face meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on 24 November 2010.
If you want to see the detailed restults of the consultation go to :
Questa sintesi non deve essere considerato un sondaggio rappresentativo. Piuttosto, i contributi molto ricco e informato dovrebbe essere considerato come il punto di partenza di un processo di consultazione che dà più "cibo per la mente" e invitare ulteriori discussioni.
Questa sintesi non deve essere considerato un sondaggio rappresentativo. Piuttosto, i contributi molto ricco e informato dovrebbe essere considerato come il punto di partenza di un processo di consultazione che dà più "cibo per la mente" e invitare ulteriori discussioni.
Internet Governance Forum
CSTD consultation on improvements to the Internet Governance Forum
Working group on IGF
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has asked the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) to carry out a consultation on improvements to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). To this end the CSTD was invited to establish a Working Group on IGF to "seek, compile and review from all Member States and all other stakeholders on improvements to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), in line with the mandate set out in the Tunis Agenda". (ECOSOC resolution 2010/2)
Timeline of working group meetings and consultations
The Hon. Sherry Ayittey, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology of Ghana, the current Chair of the CSTD, delegated the task of establishing the CSTD Working Group on IGF to Mr. Frederic Riehl, vice Chair of the CSTD.
Mr Riehl plans to organize two meetings (December 2010 and February 2011) before transmitting a report to the CSTD. In addition to these meetings, consultations will be held to allow all stakeholders to contribute to the process. As part of this consultation, the Vice-Chair of the CSTD published an online questionnaire on 9 November 2010, which will be followed by an open face-to-face meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on 24 November 2010.
If you want to see the detailed restults of the consultation go to :
This summary should not be considered a representative survey. Rather, the very rich and informed contributions should be considered as the starting point of a longer consultation process which gives “food for thought” and invite further discussions.
domenica 28 novembre 2010
New inflactive paradigms in the transactive settlement of currency policy framevorks?
E-invoicing in a subscription and social network economy
22/11/2010 09:11:29
Investors are recognising the transformative power of subscription billing and billing using social network strategies, growing to billion dollar industries. After rumours that Paypal was to invest $16 million in Tradeshift, a few weeks later Zuora, a subscription billing provider, announced that it has received $20 million in a Series C round of funding.
It is predicted that industry after industry is shifting to the Subscription Economy: Enterprises and consumers shift from buying outright to subscribing to broad libraries of products and solutions.
Many companies are rethinking their core products and value propositions as services and investing rapidly in subscription revenue models, including:
· Cloud computing is disrupting the $3.4 trillion technology industry as enterprises move to elastic compute clouds that are enabled by subscription billing's ability to meter, price, and bill cloud services.
· App marketplaces, led by Microsoft, Google,, Apple, PayPal and others, are creating more opportunities for developers to offer software-as-a-service.
· The media industry recognizes it needs to monetize online content, and it requires billing to create promotions and bundles of digital and physical content that push out to multiple devices and platforms.
· Online consumer service providers are using subscriptions to innovate the pricing and packaging of freemium, try-before-you-buy, and cross-sell service models that best meet consumer demand.
· Telecom and wireless technologies in WiMax, satellite, geo-location and 4G are creating a new wave of telecom services and service providers which are being enabled by subscription billing.
I find it interesting to see how this is going to develop in Europe towards and after the 2013 e-invoicing liberalisation.
A. Cabrales, A. Calvó-Armengol and Y. Zenou
(Previous running titles: Effort and Synergies in Network Formation and Investing in the Creation of Synergies: Building Socio-Economic Networks), January 2008 (first version: November 2006)
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to understand the interactions between productive effort and the creation of synergies that are the sources of technological collaboration agreements, agglomeration, and social interactions. We model this interaction in a way that allows us to characterize how agents devote resources for creations productions and interactions. This permits a full-fledged equilibrium/welfare analysis of network formation with endogenous productive efforts, to derive unambiguous comparative statics results and to analyze community sorting by individual traits. In spite of its parsimony the model retains enough richness to replicate a broad range of empirical regularities displayed by social and economic networks, and to relate them to individual and social welfare.
sabato 27 novembre 2010
The UN's Social Credit International financial system is a socio-economic environment in which the consumers, specially equipped with adequate purchasing power through costumer's loan guaranteed minimum policies, and democratic control through the provision of debt securities standards (receipts bills and / or invoices, vouchers, investment charities' certificates); determine the production policy through their exercise of monetary expenditure (public expenditure plus private spending purchasing power). The aim is to establish in all the democratic states an extended vision of the monetary power like a dialectical due balance agreement between production and consumption factors in a global peaceful contemporary complex society
For example like the judiciary issue with the balance between the crimes and punishments.
The Social Credit provides for a "democracy" of producers, designed to govern an Anthropocracy" of consumers. The term social creditl, such as formal name, was born from the writings of the British Clifford Hugh Douglas (1879-1952), who wrote a book in 1924. AccordingDouglas, the real purpose of production is consumption and production mustserve the real purpose, freely given to the interests of consumers.Every citizen is a beneficiary, not direct, of the Community capital conferred by the complete and dynamic access to the fruits industry 's provided by the state representative national distribution of dividends from banking industries and fiscal compensation benefits paid (formerly politically in a nutshell this to Italy with the shareholders of the social securities in tne National Bank).
Given a fact that a democracy provides the only advanced safe place for power in many hands, the Social Credit is a philosophy distribution, with the aim of representing the political power ofself-determination of individuals not agaist the collective interests but with sharing pourposes. The social philosophy of credit is best summed up by Douglas when he says, "The systems were created by men for men and not for the systems, the interest of a man is above all systems, whether theological, political or economic."
We argue that in future wage labor will not be seen as today we see it: a slavery factor of production!
For example like the judiciary issue with the balance between the crimes and punishments.
The Social Credit provides for a "democracy" of producers, designed to govern an Anthropocracy" of consumers. The term social creditl, such as formal name, was born from the writings of the British Clifford Hugh Douglas (1879-1952), who wrote a book in 1924. AccordingDouglas, the real purpose of production is consumption and production mustserve the real purpose, freely given to the interests of consumers.Every citizen is a beneficiary, not direct, of the Community capital conferred by the complete and dynamic access to the fruits industry 's provided by the state representative national distribution of dividends from banking industries and fiscal compensation benefits paid (formerly politically in a nutshell this to Italy with the shareholders of the social securities in tne National Bank).
Given a fact that a democracy provides the only advanced safe place for power in many hands, the Social Credit is a philosophy distribution, with the aim of representing the political power ofself-determination of individuals not agaist the collective interests but with sharing pourposes. The social philosophy of credit is best summed up by Douglas when he says, "The systems were created by men for men and not for the systems, the interest of a man is above all systems, whether theological, political or economic."
We argue that in future wage labor will not be seen as today we see it: a slavery factor of production!
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