sabato 25 dicembre 2010


independent draft of AGCOM original text featured by Valter Conti
    . Premise
    Digital content is a key element in the development of the European single market: the spread access to broadband Internet and the development of advanced mobile networks, with the possibility of transform any type of digital content, and process it privately by individual users, faces continuously new cultural perspectives for consumers and new opportunities to develop a democatic and sustainable content industry.
    At Community level, the digital single market is considered the "fifth freedom", and its development is considered a priority. Moreover, the ICT sector represents 5% of GDP Community, each day there are more than 250 millions of Internet users and is estimated that auntil 2020 many digital content and applications provided by users will be deployed, evaluated and funded through Internet.
    However, even today 30% of EU citizens did not never used the Internet, the number of downloads of files music downloads is ¼ than the United States, the penetration rate of the fiber optic only 1% ( against 2% in the U.S., 12% in Japan and 15% in South Korea) the EU is spending on ICT research and development the 40% of corresponding expenditure in the U.S.
    The Authority has in recent annual reports repeatedly expressed the view that underestimate the potential of the digital market  eans losing a unique opportunity to economic and social development: the access to the media content stimulates the demand for transmission capacity and this in the same time encourages investment on next generation networks and allows both a orderly and democratic content development.
    The launch of NGN networks, in turn, promotes the creation of innovative services that will be developed on these networks (web 2.0, web 3.0 etc.).
    Among the stimuli to the spread of the digital economy plays an important role the presence of copyright.
    Rules and annexed rights with an appropriate technological development and engagement of those rights exercice using of contents by users.
    The criticality of the current regulatory framework on copyright in Italy stems from the fact that the ability to deliver and exchange content takes place in an economic regime of monopoly by a national public body (SIAE). The fact that, against a single licensee for collection of rights, the content is deployed without the legitimate owners are in a position to exercise significant any effective right to control personally and to perceive then the potential remuneration including those arising from the right then leads to the development of injury creativity and freedom of expression, therefore, to choices available to the public (as a public opinion and then how to protect natural competition) and consumers / users.
    The rules of copyright would, in fact, on the one hand, protect freedom of expression and second, the guarantee of the right side of the privacy; allow an equitable remuneration to the author and equitable sharing of the remuneration of resale rights on the part of collective marks and CTM. This last aspect is, moreover, a fundamental principle of Community Communications electronic equipment inside the EU.
    On the issue of copyright online, has developed In recent years a wide debate focused primarily on more effective measures to combat piracy. This approach, which has always been driven by the need to protect the 'author' before the "consumer" has led to the adoption in many countries, measures contrast based primarily on bans and sanctions.
    The practical effects of such a type of reaction in a monopoly like the Italian, however, are at least doubtful especially considering that the consumer can be an author who in turn radically changes the contents of the free access content available and then produces a new content totally different from the original work, though inspired by this. It would be appropriate to identify a pattern of adjustment that rests on the allocation of fair value also rights for reuse of those consumers who, having free access to online content, but simultaneously, redistribute, and recreate the same content supporting the authors of original works and in some cases creating "new" content otherwise impossible to be contemplated without the availability and free legal original works in the same network. It should also be in view that the Authority may settle. Disputes between the representative associations for the protection of consumers and users and by intermediaries that carry the supply of connectivity of the content on the web. In this sense, on the floor of a prudent and preventive action any government policy or intervention Piracy contrast can not be separated from the coeval promotion of measures aimed at fostering the provision legal content available to the public: policies that look to one of these two issues are doomed to fail or to produce further difficulties and inability to cope distortions of the market and competition, as demonstrates the ineffectiveness of technical counter-piracy and the current lack of incomes of social networking despite their exceptional spread. For more towards overcoming the logic of punitive-repressive requires that the action of public authorities do not regulators to take charge on an objective basis of identification and reconfiguration of the effective relocation of the current account in currency financial intermediaries approved by a reform accordingly. In this context, the legislature, with a series of subsequent regulatory action has identified the Authority for guarantees in communications as the person best suited for technical competence and institutional mission in Community dimension, to further the action of synthetic between the interests of authors, on the one hand and consumers / users on the other.
    The Act also entrusts the Authority powers to terms of preventing too large, and assessment of offenses under framework that protects intellectual property. These leading powers also consider provide coordination with the ordinary moments of Local Bodies Chambers as guarantors of CTM and exercise, even Community of intellectual property rights.
    2. The existing legal framework and the role of the Communications Authority
The first traces of regulations governing the Authority jurisdiction regarding the copyright cane from f the original warranty in the industry audiovisual (the Guarantor for broadcasting and Publishing), which was also entrusted with the task of supervising compliance by the the public broadcaster and private licensees for broadcasting, "the laws and conventions international telecommunications and use of intellectual works "(Article 15, paragraph 8 of Law No. 223/90, only recently repealed by art. 54, D. lgs. N. 177/2005, cd. Consolidated Broadcasting).
From that primitive normative element is registered, to the extent that worsened the problemc onsidered, a growing conferment of jurisdiction specific to this Authority, by law on August 18 2000, no 248, which operated the first formal investiture of this Administration, to the more Recent Legislative Decree 44/2010, better known as "Decree Romani ".
In that decree, the providers of Italian media services excluded from our jurisdiction are identified by the operators:
        a) making use of an up-link satellite (uplink) located in Italy;
        b) not using an up-link satellite located in Italy, but they use a Italian satellite capacity competence.

This exclusion has produced an ambiguity as to the civil and criminal liability of the operators if under the protection of copyright, you configurable limits on the simple case in mere production of the contents and clauses of responsibility for public utilities operating legally in Italy.
On the other hand, the Authority itself, given the delicacy and importance of legal potentially involved, it has decided to report to the Government and the Parliament the opportunity to a comprehensive review of rules on the rcopyright law that would otherwise be inappropriate for the technological and legal developments in the industry sector.

Valter Conti

mercoledì 22 dicembre 2010

Project&Process Management for Scientific Research


Project Initiation Planning

Step 01: Project Objective & Scope Start-up
-Establish Project Objective
-Recruit Project Interest for Project Initiation Stage Manager
-Establish Scope of Investigation and Prepare Project Initiation research
-Brief  the schedulege Team to  Identify Initial Requirements
-Stage Control Procedures to meet-up a  Project circulation knowledge base management
-Review Related Studies and Project start-up to administrative bodies

Step 02: Task Distribution Management
- Identify Training Requirement in meet-down Review Project
-Produce Outline Solution Presentations at the Project Appoach Philosofy/Theory

Step 03: Project estimating Budgeting Procedure
-Estimate Duration and Establish Resource Requierements
-Create Project Schedule apps for Products' milestones
- Document Project &Process Success Criteria

Step 04:Internal Audit Procedure
 -Determine Quality Control Activities
 -Identify Key Personnel  and  Recruit Project Board for internal peer review
-Determine Product Workflow with the Effort of Assestment Team
-Allocate Resources to  Prepare Quality Circle Stages
Project mission specific Procedure

Step 05: Project Organization standardization Procedure
-Recruit  Stage Manager and Project Coordinators
 -Recruit Key Stakeholders, Stage Teams and external Key Resources
- Determine Training Requirements
-Create Project Organization Chart and Project Organization Staff

Step 06:     Project Control Forms
-Set Up Project Administration Application Forms
 -Setup Stage Administration Application Forms

martedì 21 dicembre 2010

Technical resource for a standard project cycle assestment in scientific research

University Quality Circle Decision Support Teams:
Technical resource for a standard projects cycle assestment

I propose a standard Project&Process management using item-driven network management reaction model introduced in the post regarding the social networks integration. In case of Universities the Quality Assestment Team is the Supervisor user for total quality management and business rules come from the internal peer-review freedback scoreflow until follow-up phase1 of the projects lifecycles.

Description: This diagram shows a timeline overview that places all of the research objectives on a 2-year timeline. Both Knowledge Management Lifecycle and Item Specification start at the beginning of year one and go until the end of year one. Code Development Portal & Repository begins in year one and goes for the entire time period, to the end of year two. Both Financial Web Services Development and Vendor/Insitutional Recommendation start begins half-way through year one and ends half-way through year two. Follow-up Phase 1 begins half-way through year two and ends at the end of year two. Both Evaluation and Dissemination run the length of the two-year timeline.

Valter Conti

venerdì 17 dicembre 2010

Global market social networks integration

The proposal for a Social Credit Execution Facility (SCEF)

An Overview
Legislative bodies in the U.S. and Europe are moving to increase regulation of the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market.
On  the side of the social network platforms like Facebook, a similar reform proposal can seek to achieve three key objectives:
  • Increase transparency
  • Improvesocial markets awareness efficiency
  • Prevent market abuse by the key players
Many reforms continue to be debated, one of which could concern the creation and definition of a Social Credit Execution Facility (SCEF) and its impact on how adwertisement and intellectual propriety trades are executed and cleared in social network platforms.
The expected role of a SCEF is to provide pre- and post-advertisement transparency, encourage collaborative execution for the entire capital marketplace, and provide the tools required to ensure a complete record and audit trail of shared trades. There could be a significant shift in the way shared trading is ultimately executed, and the users trust to be ahead of the curve for their friends.
Facebook is the leading provider of non-competitive electronic interest social networks ; an open collaborative rating platform with universal access representing more than 500,000 active users globally interconnected.
How derivatives are currently traded in the capital market of debt titles an can be present in social credit market
Over-the-counter, or "privately negotiated", derivatives are currently traded increasingly on electronic markets, . There are two sectors of the market: institutional dealer-to-client (D2C) and inter-dealer (D2D). These markets are approximately the same size in terms of trading volumes, but there are many more participants in the D2C marketplace than D2D.
In social platform the corrispondance is a traditional client-to-user (C2U) copyleft sector and inter-user (U2U) creative commons sector. C2U electronic trading shares are more then 50% of ther overall consumption time in user activities in front of less content creation consumption time.
Electronic debt trading system interfaced with a collaborative credit sharing system offers the benefits that are being sought by legislators, including increased transparency and equity, more competitive execution of social agreements, efficient trade and share processing content lifecycle vales (like the originate and distribute philosophy of the derivative but in a rational personal credit system ), and a complete and permanent audit trail user engagement. In the same time building a collaborative social credit execution facility for credit titles can stady a flexible and sustenable growth perspetive for financial (private)and social market together.

Currently, all exchange-traded and some OTC-traded derivatives contracts are cleared - the process in which financial transactions are cleared by a single (central) counterparty to reduce individual risk (see Figure 1). However, pending legislation could mandate central clearing for all standardized OTC swap contracts.
Figure 1: Central Feedback Clearing Process for OTC Deployment

Central feedback clearing of derivatives reduces counterparty risk and strengthens overall market integrity. It also helps with position segregation and portability in the event of a default, improves transparency for regulatory requirements and benefits the central management of trade lifecycle events, such as cash settlement with central counterparties and credit cash flow medium term open market operations. There are several select companies that provide derivative clearing services in the U.S. and Europe, and Tradeweb in this proposal is only taken for example .
The electronic links to the major derivatives clearing houses further aligned in social networks with a regulatory shift due to the needs of the marketplace, allows institutional clients to fully automate their content workflow both on settlement cleaqring houses and social platforms- (from trade execution through clearing feedback settlement and vice versa) (see Figure 2). Institutions are now able to better manage operational, systemic and global market systemic risk control. 
Figure 2: Proposed Workflow, Fully-automated on Tradeweb (example)

domenica 5 dicembre 2010

Internet governance model

mercoledì 1 dicembre 2010

How to empower totally opened platforms like Facebook without Employing Privacy Controls

The social network giant have a new counterpart in the market: but the problem remain the same. The financial users want a multiple slided monitor with podcast independent anonymous access !! Facebook apps podcasting personal modelling is the new challange for reusables of the global web 2.0 .
On  the privacy front, with labelling hits of twittered and followers due to one to one trasaction of data you could have a totally open platform like Facebook having privacy controls in place.

 “Method and system for establishing and maintaining user-controlled anonymous communications”:
A system for establishing anonymous communications includes a plurality of users' party terminals, a plurality of clients' requester terminals, a central controller. The system receives and stores party data about respective parties both of the users and of the client.
Upon receiving criteria for parties of interest from a requestor terminal and authorization from respective parties, the central controller releases to the requester party settled with the parties. The system also establishes communications channels between parties and the requestes, while maintaining their anonymity.

Valter Conti